Saturday, December 31, 2016

The last sunrise of 2016--remember the blessings you've enjoyed. Have faith in the promise of the new year.
Quote-May your coming year be filled with MAGIC and DREAMS and GOOD MADNESS. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're WONDERFUL and don't forget to make some art--write or draw or build or sing or live as only YOU can. And I hope somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself-Neil Gaiman

Saturday, December 17, 2016

The title of my next book is THE TOWER. I guess y'all know what kind of tower I'm thinking of--yes, an observation tower from Operation Bumble Bee back in the late 1940s.  The nefarious villain who occupies the tower is none other than you know who. If you read my latest book BRIDGE TENDER,  you'll now who I'm referring to. I'm about half way through THE TOWER and hope I can finish it in the next couple of months.

writing tip--be sure to get your facts correct. Nothing turns off a reader like a story with incorrect info.

quote--a woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one-Marjorie Keenen Rawlings

Monday, December 5, 2016

In the beginning---- it was called the Superette. This must have been taken in the early 1960s. There was a laundromat, barber shop, beauty salon, realty co. grocery store. Surf City had everything you needed.

writing tip: don't be afraid to remember as vividly as you can--recall all times--they made you who you are.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Quote: He was too simple to wonder when he had attained humility. But he knew he had attained it and he knew it was not disgraceful and it carried no loss of true pride. Ernest Hemingway/The Old Man and the Sea

Sights like this always humble me--make me know there is a power greater than myself and that I must be true to the passions in my life.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Today we said good-bye to one of Surf City's original kids. We all grew up together in the 50s and 60s and 70s, when the island was a real paradise. 
TY-truly one of a kind-thank you for the horse back rides and the rides down the snow covered dunes in the sea turtle shell. Thank you for your individuality and tenacity. Thank you for being you-a good friend, a wonderful husband, father and grandfather. You are missed. Ty Medlin.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Quote: It was considered a virtue not to talk unnecessarily at sea--Ernest Hemingway.

Yes. Sometimes there are no words.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Quote; Our friendship is an ocean,
stretching far and wide, never ending
and filled with memories, that last a lifetime

that tiny strip at the bottom of the photo is the island-the clouds were spectacular.

Went fishing today with an old friend.
and saw the island from the other side-about ten miles out.
I am so blessed to have such a friend-our memories will never die
we are the kids of Surf City-the first ones.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

So it's hurricane season and everyone has devastation on their minds. This photo of damage done by hurricane Donna in 1960 should help to cement those thoughts of ruin. Sorry, but couldn't resist jerking a few chains. But things like this rarely happen and more than likely MATTHEW will probably be only a cat 2 by the time it gets here, if it gets here at all. Mother Nature is going to do what she does best and so lets hope if you have a house on Topsail it was built well and if this storm does turn out to be a 2 or less, hope you have a hell of a party in it and ride out the storm in style. If its a 3 or more, get the hell out and pray. To special people whom I care deeply about, God bless and stay safe-stay healthy. 

Saturday, September 24, 2016

What an ominous looking day, but a beautiful one as well.
Had our first writing class for the fall term at CFCC last Monday. What a fantastic group of people. Should be an interesting six weeks. We'll have another come February-come join us.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Stormy day-profoundly beautiful.

Quote:The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed-Ernest Hemingway.

so be kind, you'll get to heaven quicker.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

This morning.

Quote: to know what you prefer instead of humbly saying amen to what the world tells you ought to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive-Robert Louis Stevenson

Saturday, September 3, 2016

 The day after the "big" storm. The surfers are out and enjoying the waves.

Little surfer little one--made my heart come all undone--Beach Boys.

These pilings are all that is left of Barnacle Bills Fishing Pier where all (or many) of the surfers used to come. I remember watching from the pier as long 8' sharks surfed along with the boys. Of course, they were sand sharks. My dear friend Yogi Paliotti told me at those times they did the 10 toe shuffle, pulling in their toes. Alas! those sand sharks did not keep our tough surfers from doing what they loved.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Yes, this is a manatee! Not a common sight here in North Carolina, but nonetheless, there it is.
While visiting friends at Swan Point Marina this beautiful creature came swimming around the finger docks. We threw lettuce and fresh water. Wow! Hope this big guy is safe.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Of course, I do not remember being here, but I'm told I was. This is when we lived in the Azores before coming to TI. They do bullfights a little differently in the Azores. Seems, rather than kill the bull, one is to drag it into the water -or something like that. Obviously, nobody dragged el toro anywhere that day-except maybe the slaughterhouse.
Okay- another cool quote for you writers out there. And having read Jack London's MARTIN EDEN, I totally agree with the following quote: How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live-Henry David Thoreau.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Super morning. Hazy and muted---soooooooooooooo cool. Quote: Because he loved true things he tried to explain-John Steinbeck.

Monday, August 15, 2016

So this is the new cover to BRIDGE TENDER. Much like the previous, but more ominous, don't ya think. Again, thanks to Connie Pletl and Loggerhead Designs.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

quote: And I know Martin Eden's
           gonna be proud of me
           And many before me
          who've been called by the sea.
          --Tom Waits

Monday, August 8, 2016

One of the observation towers from the late 1940s when Operation Bumble Bee was active on the island. The missiles being observed were part of an anti-aircraft, surface to air missile defense system.This ramjet powered design is still used in some technology today. The Navy left in 1948, turning over leased land to land owners, opening the floodgates for developers.

Back in the day, young courageous hearts and souls climbed the rickety stairways and dared each other to jump from the towers. We did, but we had tall, voluptuous sand dunes to land in.

A writing tip-QUOTE-If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it.--John Irving.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

When I was a kid I used to swim out ten stokes and if I could touch bottom, I'd swim out ten more-and on and on.

QUOTE:  Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go-

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

I keep forgetting that this blog is supposed to be about writing tips. Okay, ya want a writing tip-here it is: quit reading other people's stuff and comparing it to what you think you could be capable of doing. YOU are not THAT person, you are your own-self.-do YOUR thing. It is tough putting yourself out there every day for criticism but that is what being a writer is, quit making excuses for what you think you should be and just be yourself. Because, sweetie pie, it doesn't matter what size golden eggs you lay, there will always be someone to say they are the wrong shape and wrong size. How's that for a tip?
Now on to the important stuff, the photo. This was taken after hurricane Donna. I remember coming home from Camp Lejeune (where we stayed that year for the storm) and seeing three houses floating down the Intracoastal. WOW! I thought it was cool. Then before the storm I remember running up to the dunes and walking out as far as I could on this little jetty that the ocean had created and watching the cascade of waves crisscrossing one another, I seems some were even going backward. The wind was blowing ferociously, and I recall fighting against it and loving every second. Yippee! Mother Nature!  Imagine--being exposed to such strength and awesomeness at such a young age. Anyway, I digress--this picture is an example as to what usually happened when a storm came through. Even though it may originate from the south, they always seemed to swirl to the north of the island, knock out McKees, then Paradise-pieces of those piers would move southward to hit the remaining fishing piers (Ocean City, Barnacle Bill's, Surf City, Dolphin, Jolly Roger-Scotch Bonnet wasn't built until '64, I think) I believe this is Surf City Pier. Because of those piers, Topsail was referred to as  THE FISHERMAN'S PARADISE.
I do want to thank those of you who visit my blog. A couple of you have mentioned it to me at the markets. Thanks again and I hope I'm informative.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Below is the old Sea Gull restaurant around 1960 or so. Our family ran it for a couple of years. Of course, it is gone now-a parking lot-yep-it's a parking lot now. Have to make room for all the tourists who are coming-and they are coming and coming. We love to see the tourists come. We love to see the tourists go. Made some good tourist friends. Flipped off a few too.

I often write about tourists. In fact, I'm working on something sort of touristy now. How to use the so varied personalities is difficult, incorporating them into the story, making them the fabric of a story. But how much fabric? that's the question. Reminds me of two Hemingway quotes: "The first draft of anything is shit."    "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit at a typewriter and bleed."  Good quotes-huh? The last  is probably my favorite-it is oh, so true.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

My sister Mary Ellen, Daddy and me in 1967.

Never did like shoes. Liked to feel the tickling grass, the sand beneath my feet. So much easier climbing dunes when you're barefoot. Downside: stickers-they hurt. You always run the risk of getting hurt when you go barefoot.

QUOTE: Sensuality does not understand why everyone else is disturbed by her. As a young girl, she was often scolded for going barefoot. J. Ruth Gendler.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Well, here she is boys and girls! the second book in my Topsail Island Mystery series. Hope you enjoy the twists and turns-the titillating characters, nefarious bad guys, and the fun of watching their lives unravel.

Bridge Tender is available on Amazon NOW, but I won't be getting my copies for about a week. If you order from Amazon and happen to come to one of the markets at Topsail, I'll be glad to sign it for you.

Hope you enjoy this thriller! I love the cover of the book about as  much as I love the story. Wow! what a beautiful place our beloved Topsail Island is.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Searching for pictures for the cover of my new book BRIDGE TENDER. It should be out mid June!!!  I sort of like this one but am going out to take more pics this week. I'd appreciate any feed back from y'all. Thanks -- the flood gates are open and here come the summer folk. HAPPY SUMMER  to everyone living on and visiting Topsail. Be sure to visit the market this Saturday in Surf City-just on the other side of Hardees. And starting Tuesday, May 31 the Surf City Summer Market will launch its first market of the year.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Quote-Happiness is a warm puppy-Charles Schulz.

This is Joey. See how peacefully he sleeps-he's not always like this. But I love him and to prove it, he has a definite role in my book Waterlogged and the up coming sequel Bridge Tender. Some new pets find their way into the pages of the new book too-Mildred and Nicky. They're just as loyal and loving as Joey. Animals are always so much easier to write about than people-no twists and turns-they don't lie, or say mean things or try to poison, drown or stab you-like some of the characters in the above mentioned books. Well, we have lots of work ahead of us if we want the next book out by June so I guess I'll have to wake him. Ta Ta.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

(coming this summer)
Quote: no man chooses evil because it is evil, he only mistakes it for happiness. The good he seeks-Mary Shelley
One of the characters in Bridge Tender wears this medallion. 
I've been diligently working on the sequel to Waterlogged-like all things worth doing, it is only successful if done well. Hope those of you who read Waterlogged enjoy this new addition-this continuation of a Topsail Island mystery.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Beyond words...of course a better camera could have said it better.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills
When all at once I saw a crowd
A host of golden daffodils
                         William Wordsworth

My favorite flower-the daffodil. A harbinger of spring, of light, of hope, of joy. Who doesn't smile when they see this jocund perennial.

Isn't jocund a cool word?!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Quote-I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by-Douglas Adams.

There's something to be said for the freedom creativity allows.

Monday, March 7, 2016

QUOTE-Man is the only kind of varmint sets his own trap, baits it, then steps in it-John Steinbeck.

I find this quote so appropriate for one of the characters in my upcoming book, BRIDGE TENDER. But then, John Steinbeck is my favorite author of all time and his influence on me seems to have no end.

Hank, the character I mention, first appears in Waterlogged, (a mystery novel I wrote last summer) and finds his way into Bridge Tender (the book I'm working on now), WELL, he is on some kind of journey, let me tell you! Even though he is the bad guy (and I mean bad) I find myself sympathizing with his plight. Does that mean I'm bad too? Well, yes you dummy- you created him. (the little voices said in her head) AHHH! Maybe Hank is screwing with me too.

Oh well, Hank does that sort of thing. And as we all know, characters have a life of their own, an author merely writes it down.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Long, long ago there were two young girls who lived in a magical place called Topsail Island. The island was such that these two girls, and many of the other children who lived there, had the freedom to spend all day playing in the sun, sand and beautiful ocean that surrounded it.

The parents of the children were all hard working people. They were also a generous people and in months when times were hard, they opened up their hearts to the community and gathered together to feed chicken and fish and oysters to everyone.

This magical place still exists, though mostly in the hearts and minds of those that remember the magic of Topsail and those days long ago. Glimpses of it can be seen in the remnants of tall towers, of wooden pilings standing staunchly in the Atlantic, and in the friendliness of the islands long time residents.

Monday, January 4, 2016

This is what I'm waiting for-what I'm ready for-my favorite flower-the happiest flower. One day of cold weather and I've had enough. But alas, I know this-the daffodils-is a couple of months away.

                                                                 IN THE MEAN TIME

I stopped by the college this afternoon and found that a few people have already signed up for my creative writing class-soooo excited and can't wait to put your pens to paper. We always have lots of fun in class and I've been told that a lot of learning goes on as well.

We will be delving more vigorously into character development and as always, I will be working one on one with the students and their personal projects.

Classes start Feb. 15 so sign up as soon as you can. Thanks so much.